Rh Negative Women: Tests

If you have an Rh-negative blood type, a few extra things need to happen during and after your pregnancy. Why? If you are Rh negative, you may develop antibodies to an Rh-positive baby, causing your body to respond as if you were allergic to the baby. This situation can become severe, but there are many steps possible to ensure a healthy pregnancy, delivery, baby, and mom.

28 weeks

At this stage, you will be sent to the hospital with a requisition for bloodwork and to pick up Rhogam, an injectable product that will prevent you from developing antibodies dangerous to your baby, should the baby be Rh positive. You will bring the Rhogam back to our office, and we will give you the injection (you’ll coordinate with our nurse for this appointment).

After delivery

If your baby is Rh positive, you will require another injection of Rhogam before you leave the hospital (within 72 hours of giving birth). You will also get Rhogam if you have any bleeding during your pregnancy or have any procedure, such as amniocentesis, that mixes your baby’s blood with your own.